


Photo Fridays!

Bryan Adams anyone?!  Interesting thing is, he's an amazing photographer.  Edie sent me the link to his website quite a while ago and I'm in looooooove.  What an artistic man...

Amy Winehouse

Billy Idol

Cindy Crawford

Tommy Lee

Renee Zellweger


Wonderful, right?!  I love portraits  : )

Found here.


Thrifty Thursdays - idea board

Well this isn't entirely the most thrifty post, BUT I plan for my wedding reception to be quite thrifty and wonderful, and I've been working hard on a little rough draft idea board!  It's full of small white flowers, moss, big white balloons, green fields, floral dresses, dutch plates, old wooden crates and music music music!  And as I write this out I'm thinking of more things, like lemonade and streamers!  This idea board is going to need room to grow...  But here's what I have so far!




I had the most lovely evening that consisted of sushi, wine, park sitting, showing off my camera collection, and long long long chats with a dear friend.  And it seems this little evening may progress into a lovely weekend!  Photos to follow!



I love digging back for old photos, buuuuuut, the more I dig each day, the more I realize I need to take new photos!  But in the meantime, here's one from about three years ago :)