

Thrifty Thursdays -- Deck Life/365

For the first time I have my very own deck!  And trust me, after nearly 2 years of living in a basement suite, having a deck with a barbecue, chairs, and FLOWERS is absolutely wonderful!  My only qualm with deck flowers are the cheap little plastic pots that I seem to see everywhere... So, I decided on a much better idea!  Random household items!  Paint cans, spray painted tupperware, mason jars, and those metal containers that generic bubble bath gift baskets come in!


Here are some other wonderfully creative flower pots -- I'm collecting ideas for next year's 'garden!'

Awesome, right?!  Now, just to find myself a newspaper stand...  Do you think it will fit on my deck?

Lovelies found:


Wedded Wednesdays

A new post!  Hurray!

Hair.  Edie went to a photography exhibit in Germany that was focused on hair (or lack of).  And ever since I can't seem to get it off my mind!  I cut all mine off at the beginning of the year, and although I don't miss it, I do miss my braids!  No, not exactly Pippy-Long-Stockings braids, but lovely, french-braided designs.  *sigh*

Here are some lovely inspirations for creative braids (think how beautiful these could be walking down the aisle - ah yes, braided bliss!  I mean wedded bliss! ahhh, wedded, braided bliss...):

When I get married, I think I want braids, like a Greek Goddess...

These lovelies found somewhere in this mess of links -- sorry for the lack of organization.


I love my deck  : )



I realized most of my recent photos have been quite dark... so here's a nice, bright, happy photo!